Well I think I've gotten better. Usually I try to refrain from sarcastic remarks, but it's so difficult when literally 50% of whatever comes out of my mouth is an exaggeration or the complete opposite of what I am really saying. Awesome. I'm a liar and a hater.
problem? solution! |
seriously. this is a 'real' term. :http://24hourhiphop.com/hip+hop+Fashion/HATER+BLOCKERS/1911/
Why am I even bringing this up? Well you can guess correctly, I have recently been irritated by someone. There's a girl in my garden who really thinks she's amazing and is pretty much the most privileged white girl ever. (and there's sooooo many in the world)! Please girl. No one cares about your iPhone 4. Nor do we care about how you life in 'THE CITY" (SF not NY. Please) and no one cares that you are taking 17 units NOT COUNTING THIS INTERNSHIP. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. this 'internship' is gardening. I'm doing this as a volunteer job so please so not tell me about how difficult your first year as a plants and society major is. SERIOUSLY. and lord have mercy on your soul, you HAD to finish all your work because your boyfriend (really? her?) is coming up from the weekend. Wooohooo. And when I said that I was going to be out of town next week for a marathon and I said how I didn't like running. Please don't jump in telling us how you LOVEEEE running. You don't look like you like running to anything other than an ice cream truck. Run 15 miles and tell me how much you love running after that. Yeah, and you still have 11 more miles for a marathon. KTHXBAI. and way to treat your friends like dirt and yell at them thinking they're stupid because you can't seem to unlock your own bike. Why is this girl gardening? Aren't gardeners good people who love plants like Peter Pettigrew (edit: Neville** my bad was too caught up in the moment.) ? Harmless, awkward, adorable, and confidentless (other than that time he stood up to his friends and won Gryffindor the 10 extra points they needed in order to win! YAY!). But seriously, this girl, shouldn't speak. She's one of those people who leech on and 'slyly' directs you into the conversation about themselves. I don't care about how amazing your boyfriend is. Or how amazing costa rica was. Or how you barely studied and did better than your peers. IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER IN GRAD SCHOOL! I'm tired of hearing you talk about yourself. I rather talk about myself to someone else. thanks.
i think you mean neville longbottom? :) harrypwned!